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 New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...

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Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 10:20 am

Source: Lucasfilm, Superherohype.com

Lucasfilm Animation announced today it is developing an all-new animated "Star Wars" series, focusing its efforts on the comedic aspects of the "galaxy far, far away." Featuring creative involvement from Seth Green and Matthew Senreich, creators and executive producers of the Emmy and Annie Award-winning "Robot Chicken," as well as writing from "The Daily Show's" Brendan Hay, the series will look at the Saga's characters with a playful and irreverent tone. The series will be produced by Daytime Emmy and Gemini Award-winner Jennifer Hill ("The Backyardigans"), and directed by Emmy-nominated Todd Grimes ("Back at the Barnyard").

"There are so many stories taking place in the Star Wars universe, and they don't all have to focus on the fate of the galaxy," said Grimes. "We're looking at Star Wars from a new perspective; this will be a glimpse at how the rest of the galaxy is affected by the events of the Saga. There's a lot of humor to be mined from that."

"The Star Wars universe is so dense and rich; it's crazy to think that there aren't normal, mundane everyday problems in a world so well-defined," said Green. "And it's even crazier to think of what those problems might be, since it's all set in a galaxy far, far away. What do these characters do when they're not overthrowing Empires?"

Said Senreich, "We're going to pull back the curtain of some of those behind-the-scenes shenanigans. It's going to appeal to all ages, the way Star Wars should -- but there'll be plenty buried under the surface, as well. As Obi-Wan might say, 'it all depends on your point of view'."

....Sigh. Really? I hope this doesn't mean the end of Clone Wars.
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New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 10:33 am

Droids 2? Maybe More Ewoks?!

actually a cartoon based on Boba Fett would rock!
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Character Profile
Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 10:41 am

More Jar Jar!!!!
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New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 10:45 am

The Jar Jar and Ani Hour
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Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 10:45 am


"Mes gotta bombad toonie, Ani! Yipppie!"
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New Recruit

New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 11:33 am

Come on, they already have Clone Wars, what else do they need?

How about a Spaceballs cartoon, that will work. lol!
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S12 Captain

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New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 11:57 am

This MIGHT be a good idea. I think they should keep up with Clone Wars, but a humor based Star Wars show, if done right, would be very cool. And yeah, all trash talk aside, I wouldn't be surprised to see either Jar Jar or another Gungan at the center of this thing.
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Character Profile
Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:01 pm


Ackbar needs to be part of this. I eat his cereal each morning.
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S12 Captain

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New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:03 pm


Yeah, and you can add a couple of Sith for some humor as well.
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New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:14 pm

My Tastebuds Aren't Able To Repel Flavor Of That Magnitude!
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New Recruit

New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 7:56 pm

... George, you are a moron. How can I go from loving what you did with Star Wars in the 70's and 80's to shivering whenever your name comes up? Just when I give you a slimmer of hope with the live action show...you create another cartoon with a subject that I don't give a shingle about. But I suppose that coming up with a "germ" of an idea for Indy 5 in 2 years has kept you busy. Just step aside along with your "yes" man McCallum and let someone with talent take Star Wars to where it should go...in a cool, live action direction with actors that can put feeling into dialog that wasn't written by an 8 year old.
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S12 Captain

New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 8:35 pm

Guys I think anything else we see on Star Wars is going to be in the animated format. Star Wars is viewed by the general populace as being something more for kids and that is the way the franchise is going to be marketed.

As far as the last 3 movies not being good? I mean come on:

Darth Maul
Yoda with a lightsaber
Clone Troopers
Mace Windu

come on ther was a lot of cool stuff in those films.

Sure it had a few moments that were less than stellar, but for the most part those moves were fun.

I'll put this out there:

No matter how the 3 prequels had been handled a lot of us would have felt a little disappointed. There is no way any movie could be made that would eclipse the sheer anticipation we all felt when he heard there was a new Star Wars movie being filmed. No way! No matter what nothing could be cool enough, good enough, awesome enough not to let us down a little bit. Why?

Cause when you are eight or nine or eleven stuff looks a lot cooler than it does when you are 25 or 30. How many cartoons did we go nuts over when we were in short pants and now through the eyes of adults we realize how silly they truly were?

Even though we still enjoy toys and comics and movies like Star Wars, we come to desire more substence as adults than we did as children.

But we can't go back to the good ole days, much as we like.
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New Recruit

New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 11:49 am

I still can't get over the fact that the clone wars still got it wrong. Anakin a Jedi Master and has a padiwan, ah didn't episode 3 say he was NOT a Jedi master and this lead him towards the darkside? If they are creating alternate verse stuff, they need to mention this, cause it's a big mistake Just like in episode 3 where obi wan is there when the twins are born and in Empires when Luke flies away from Dagobah and Obi doesn't remember there is still Leia??????? Everything after the original 3 should be label as black hole universe stuff. lol!
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Character Profile
Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 3:56 pm

warzone wrote:
I still can't get over the fact that the clone wars still got it wrong. Anakin a Jedi Master and has a padiwan, ah didn't episode 3 say he was NOT a Jedi master and this lead him towards the darkside? If they are creating alternate verse stuff, they need to mention this, cause it's a big mistake Just like in episode 3 where obi wan is there when the twins are born and in Empires when Luke flies away from Dagobah and Obi doesn't remember there is still Leia??????? Everything after the original 3 should be label as black hole universe stuff. lol!

LOL, gotta say I agree with a lot of your points.

But I also get what blue is saying. Sadly, they now see SW as more of a "kiddie" property. That's where they think the $$ is, so that is where they are going. I still love the Original Trilogy, and parts of the New Trilogy. There were some great moments , but also some really "ugh" ones. The writing and acting were shameful.

But as far as THIS NEW SHOW goes, I'll wait and see. With the Robot Chicken guys involved, we might just be pleasantly surprised.
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PostSubject: Re: New Star Wars Cartoon in the works...   New Star Wars Cartoon in the works... Icon_minitime

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