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 ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends

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Battle Ready

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PostSubject: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 6:13 pm

so here is a spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut ties with friends you had. i have had some godd friends who went dark side i did all i could to help them but to no avail. so i had to turn my back on them. had some online friends that i have had to cut ties with some i have gotten back some i wont try to.
so what dose it take for you to lose a friendship with someone.
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S12 Captain

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 6:38 pm

I've been there.

Had an internet buddy who became more than that. We exchanged phone #s and talked regularly. We even were trying to make plans to get together in person. Then he got extremely upset over an imagined slight. Something that was not done deliberately by me by was an honest mistake. I tried to explain myself and apologize but he refused to listen, told me the friendship was over and wanted nothing more to do with me.

Lately he has sent me an email or two and a text or so but I don't respond. Truth be told I wish him and his family well, but I don't think we can be friends again. Someone who gets so overly dramatic over a miscommunication is not something I want to deal with. I hope he is okay and his family too, but we are not gonna be friends again. I rather hope he stops sending me messages and just moves on.

So the answer to when is enough enough? When is a friendship over?

I guess it's when a friend forgets that all of us are human and we all make mistakes. OR maybe it's when you have to jum through hoops to keep a friendship going.
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Battle Ready

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 6:43 pm

that dose suck man and i have been there done that bro. so i guess the real answer is how much can you take or except from the other person. also what they do or how the handle something.
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S12 Captain

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 6:57 pm

I have also had a friendship or two end when MY money ran out. I like to think there is a special place in hell for sumbitches like that.
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S12 Captain

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 6:57 pm

I've had a few friends cross the line.

One that comes to mind is a guy who disappeared at a party I was at. Oddly enough the girl I was dating at the time disappeared around the same time too...

I took a couple of days before I realized that they had disappeared TOGETHER and that my sister had walked in on them doing things they had no business doing given the fact that she was supposed to be MY girlfriend...

Another was when a guy I knew got involved with some activity that was not exactly legal. The last I talked to him he was asking me to get involved as well. That didn't go over too well.

I guess I'm not really sure exactly where the line is, but once it's been stepped over it's probably pretty obvious.
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S12 Captain

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 7:02 pm

I just knock them the flurk out !!!!!
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Battle Ready

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 7:09 pm

ahahahahhahahaaha. remind me not to Flurk with drift lol.
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S12 Captain

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 7:12 pm

Other than you guys I don't really have very many friends.

I don't relate to people so well.
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Name:: Cinder
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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 7:17 pm

Friends are much easier to lose than to keep. To have a real friendship it takes work, understanding, and patience. Sadly, I've had the misfortune of going through this.

Not everyone is perfect. People mess up, they disagree, and sometimes say and do things they later regret. This is the true test of a friendship. Can things be overcome? Honestly, yeah, almost all of them. But it's not easy and often people feel it's best to just forget it, that it isn't worth it.

There are people in my life I wish I could still call friend (or that would call me friend), but you just dont know.

To answer the question, for me it is simple. It's time to break the friendship when you've done all you can to make it work. When the "friend" becomes the opposite, often you gave to walk away.

Does time heal things? Sometimes, yes. But both sides need to feel the same way, and human beings are pridefull, stubborn creatures.
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Creative Team

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 7:49 pm

Knuckle up, then get a few beers. Solves damn near any problem.....usually.
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Battle Ready

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 7:53 pm

it sometimes dose work some times not.
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S12 News Staff

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 12:08 am

I keep those that are real at arm length. This allows me to cut the strings with ease. I have never told everyone anything and I won't. I'm just not a person who needs someone to trust in outside of myself.
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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 1:44 am

ive had a couple that i just cut loose.But i was there countless times for them.But when your help isnt doing the job any more and they start taking advantage of you and they stop trying to help themselves,well thats when i said bye bye.

sword fight stop stabbing me
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Creative Team

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 1:49 am

Again.....facepunches are awesome.....and beer. doesn't fix everything, but it totally helps most conflicts
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Monster Slayer

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 2:11 am

Most of the time it seems that real friends are not "cut loose". They simply fade out for me. For whatever reson we just don't or can't hang out anymore. What I like to call "life factors" usually determine that. I have discovered that people who I "cut all ties" with were not truly ever a real friend anyway.
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Creative Team

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 2:52 am

bigdaddyblue73 wrote:
Other than you guys I don't really have very many friends.

I don't relate to people so well.

I'm with Blue on this one.
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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 8:28 am

Ive lost a number of friends over the years.
I lost my first really good friends when I was 10. After 6 years of being inseparable after a summer off school we were no longer friends.. never understood why.. still dont to this day even though now we still talk occasionally.

More recently aside from growing up and drifting apart as people do I have come to the point where I am tired of being the only one trying.
A friend of mine got married 2 years ago.. his wife told me to Flurk off at the wedding and I have been blamed for "ruining" the wedding photos.. truth be told I was so pissed that day that I just didnt care. After a number of years as close friends he decided to discard any real traditions we had and basically gave myself and one of my best friends a big Flurk you.
He had a kid last year and he got pissed off at me b/c I never congratulated him.. i didn't think it was worth a congratulations since he makes 14$/hr his wife now doesnt work and they are just going to be a drain on society and screw the kid up.

Ive lived in Toronto for 3 years this June, I only see him if I go home (if I make a call) and he has never once said hey Im coming up to visit.. so I no longer consider him a friend really, more an acquaintance i see once in a blue moon.

When there is no effort put in on the other persons side it just shows they don't care enough or respect you enough to want to continue the friendship. I know as you get older its harder to maintain friendships but I have 3 best friends.. one of 27years, one of 24 years and one of 8 years. Regardless of how often we see each other we still make time to talk and catch up.. Im thankful for the friends I have, and do miss the friends Ive lost but you can't live in regrets. I know I tried my best and thats what counts
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S12 Captain

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 8:40 am

I had a friend once who I was very close with. Damn near brother close. I stayed at his house a lot and called his mom "mom", actually had a couple friends like that.

We were supposed to go on vacation together, either california or south carolina. We decided on south carolina because it would be a lot cheaper. A few weeks go by and i tell him "hey we better figure out what day we wanna go" and he tells me he already bought a non refundable plane ticket to California and was going with out me. Turns out he wanted to meet a girl out there. I was pissed. THat was cold. Thing is if we would have told me "hey I kinda wanna do this one solo" I'd be disappointed, but I'd understood. Sometimes ya need space or just wanna do stuff on yer own. It was the whole lack of honesty thing that got to me.

We tried reconciling but it was hard.

He moved to west, me north. I tracked his phone # done some time later and gave him a call, a couple of em. We talked it all out and I told him I forgave him and understood why he did what he did. I called several times. He never called me. After calling him four or five times and him never calling me I kinda figure that's the way he wants it so I've let it be. Tried to get it back, but I guess we have both moved on too much and our lives have changed too much. Oh well, wanna ya gonna do?
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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 9:24 am

I can honestly say that I haven't LOST any friends due to a bad falling out. But most of my friends moved to other states after college and I only see them maybe once a year when they come back to Texas. There are a few around here I can see if I ever gassed up the car and took a weekend or so to see them. I stay in touch with them on the phone most of the time. (Damn.. I am neglecting a friend now.. I need to pick up the damn phone!)

And as for my interent friends.. well hell.. I can catch ya'll on here most of the time! So I am never out of the loop with anyone on here or the Tank... well the Tank has become a downer so I maybe neglecting over there too. And if we are gonna have a disagreement.. LET'S DO IT INT HE CHATBOX!!! LET'S HAVE AN AUDIENCE!!!! JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!!! LOL!!!

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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 10:39 am

Wry1 wrote:
Again.....facepunches are awesome.....and beer. doesn't fix everything, but it totally helps most conflicts

I prefer giving them a good kick to the nads.

But that's the kind of girl I am.
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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends   ok spin off of dsrader topic when do you cut all ties with friends Icon_minitimeMon Apr 12, 2010 8:52 pm

I really only have Two real life friends.. one is my girl friend.. the other is my best friend. I've known him since 2003 funny thing is hes 15 years older than me.

I had a friend who I was friends with for nearly 10 years, but something happened and he got all needy and clingy and got mad at me spending too much time with my girlfriend and would get mad whenever I spent time with anyone but him.

I told him to get off my Stinkelface cause he wasnt putting out and that he was acting like the cry baby girlfriends he likes to get rid of. So I havent heard from him in two years. LOL

Basically most of my friends these days are all online. Im too much of a loner I guess.
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