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 Star Trek (2009)

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S12 Captain

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:20 am

Of all the big budget summer franchise films, this one probably had the most riding on it's success. Star Trek has become a huge phemonenon, with four spin off series and 8 major motion pictures. The fate of the franchise rided on them getting this one right.

And boy did they! This film was a great success in nearly all categories. Casting was perfect, these young actors did a great job following in the footsteps of the guys who came before them. All of them were dead on.
Casting 5 out of 5

Special effects were perfect. This movie was viaually stunning, especially on Blueray.

How true wss it to the roots of the franchise? Well they did change a few things, however the franchise was in serious need of an overhaul, and you can only fit so much continuuity into a 2 hour movie. And the things they changed were minimal, and they explained them well with the story. So for being true to the Star Trek mythos I give it a 5 out of 5.

The plot was a tad pedestrian. Not too unique, but it made for a dramatic story and a protagonist, that while definitely evil, identifiable with. So for story I give it a 4 out of 5.

All in all I would rate this movie a 4.5 out of 5. If you have ever enjoyed Star Trek, or just like sci fi films, or just want to see a good movie. This is it!
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Character Profile
Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:28 am

JJ does it again. I loved this film. I am a Star Trek fan, and this is just what this franchise needed. And it needed it badly.
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S12 Captain

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:35 am

Rob0213 wrote:
JJ does it again. I loved this film. I am a Star Trek fan, and this is just what this franchise needed. And it needed it badly.

Couldn't agree more. I loved the way this was done. I hope they can get all the cast members to return cause a sequel or two would be gerat. I would love to see how the Klingons get treated in this newer version.
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Character Profile
Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:38 am

The whole cast is signed up for the next one! Just waiting for a script and a director now. Can't happen soon enough.
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S12 Captain

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:40 am

For me either. I really love dthis, I have been a Star Trek fan for years, I probably have over 100 novels and the Kirk/Spock/McCoy trio is my favorite thing about the entire franchise. I was so glad they got it right with those three characters.
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Character Profile
Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:42 am

Not only did they get it right, they hit it out of the ballpark! Karl Urban steals every scene he is in.
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S12 Captain

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:48 am

He became McCoy. DeForrest would be proud.
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Character Profile
Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:52 am

I think he would be. Felt like he was channeling him at times. It's not to see a sci fi movie that isn't a complete insult to its fan base (glares at TF, ROC, WO).
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S12 Captain

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:56 am

Well if the folks who did this one are to be the creative helm of the franchise, I think it is safe to say Roddenberry left his legacy in good hands.
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Character Profile
Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 12:59 am

Agreed. A franchise can be rebooted and still be way cool. Bond, Batman, and now Star Trek are proof.

JJ and his crew did a great job, and you can tell they had fun. Translates into the film.

Have you watched the extra scenes on the DVD yet?
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S12 Captain

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 8:32 am

Not yet, gonna check them out today I think.
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Battle Ready

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2009 1:01 am

Never have been a fan of the Trek but this was an awesome movie in my book! Now my girlfriend wants me to go and rent all the other Star Trek movies, come to find out, she has liked Star Trek ever since she was a kid.
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S12 News Staff

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 1:23 am

This was one of the best films of the year! Definitely puts all other licensed property films to shame (G.I.Joe, Transformers, Wolverine, Terminator) and really shows you how good one can be when everyone involved has "REVERANCE" for the source material!
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S12 Captain

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Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 3:07 am

Ya know, I had to see this movie twice to really appreciate it. The first time I saw it I was fuming because of the way they crapped on the canon, but the second time I could appreciate it as an "alternate reality" as was stated in the movie and I liked it much more.
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Creative Team

Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 3:41 am

Swafus wrote:
This was one of the best films of the year! Definitely puts all other licensed property films to shame (G.I.Joe, Transformers, Wolverine, Terminator) and really shows you how good one can be when everyone involved has "REVERANCE" for the source material!

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Star Trek (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 8:40 am

Not being a Trek fan at all I was a bit skeptical going into this.
After seeing it I really enjoyed it and then I found out why...
JJ Abrams rewrote Star Wars: A New Hope into Star Trek basically lol.
There are a lot of comparisons that you can draw between the two films and I am not complaining in the least.
I found it very entertaining and enjoyed how they have crossed into the multiverse where although the origins have changed a bit it's still true to form and takes you where you want to go.
Again I enjoyed it an Im not a Trek fan, so I can only imagine what actual fans must've thought.
There is an actual video comparing this movie to SW:ANH
Its pretty funny to see how similar they are

There was one draw back to the film and it reoccurred over and over again... lens flares!
Seriously? WTF was up with that? When you are CG'ing backgrounds and space there are no true lens flares.. it wasn't necessary to add them in post just for the sake of adding them lol
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PostSubject: Re: Star Trek (2009)   Star Trek (2009) Icon_minitime

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Star Trek (2009)
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