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PostSubject: Superheroes!   Superheroes! Icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 1:12 am

Hello fellow Sectorians! Many of us are great fans of comic books. We also enjoy the collecting of these print Gods in plastic form. I was wondering what you think about the lines out to date. I'll start with what I think about them and than you guys can chime in and add in your thoughts and feelings.

Marvel Legends- I think Hasbro has killed this line. It is side when a series goes from a free standing format to being a small after thought of two packs that they hope people won't mind. I truly don't understand how Hasbro could mess this up so badly. The first wave killed it for me. Planet Hulk was cool and lived up to the standard of Toybiz. Emma Frost though small was also pretty cool compared to the giant thighs small arms of the toybiz females. The best figure from this line for me is She-Hulk in wave two but I also love the black knight. I just hate the plastic hasbro used for this line it seemed weak even in the Ares wave for walmart. To me I think Hasbro should drop the B-a-F gimmick from this figure as they did a terrible job when they first started. As my Nemesis wave is complete and mint I have no idea how that one works or how it's going. I really want to see this line taken from Hasbro and given back to Toybiz or Marvel Toys. Hasbro had a lot on this line and they really missed the mark.

Marvel Universe/COIE- This is where Hasbro shines. They are of course limits you can do when you are working at 3 3/4 figures. I think for the most part Hasbro is playing it save. they have not done any uniforms/costumes of figures which would require a lot of paint work to avoid what I am sure would set the bar for bad paint apps. Jack of Hearts anyone? anyways the only thing that bothers me is the leg. As Always I wonder why they can't uniform all figures from Marvel, Gi Joe, Star Wars, and They should even make GI Joe scale Transformers that would be cool. I just wish Hasbro would do more. I also wish they would stop repaints. As for COIE I think it's to little to late for the line. The figures are smaller in scale than the others 3 3/4 the articulation is little though I still have twelve that I love I just think they should hit the drawing board though they do seem to understand that they need to make these figures in scales with others....*GIJOE* Now.

DC Universe Classic-Mattel had a small advantage to hasbro. The DC line which was produced by Kenner and others in the 90's was a long time ago. Even if they didn't make the figures like Toybiz they had nothing to be compared to nothing to be put into balance. In truth I think Mattel along with Horseman sculpting have knocked this one out of the park. The DC Universe Classics is by far my favorite of the line sof toys based on superheroes at this very moment. The problem with these figures are how hard they are to find in the wild. All of the DC Universe Classics have come with a build a figure. To date I only have Kalibak and Atom Smasher completed but I do enjoy them. They have a part that comes undone. Kalibak loses his arm when he is flexing, Atom Smasher loses his left leg. Though Batman in particular has so many repaints that I want to find and strangle him myself in whatever time he is. They are moving toward given us people that we have never had. By the time that they make it to the limit they signed up for originally 24 waves we shall have a complete JLA, JSA, Teen Titans, Doom Patrol, and Metal Men. As they advance I look forward to what they bring and keep my fingers cross that we shall get a Kate Spencer manhunter action figure. On a side note this franchise is spreading out. With a Green Lantern toyline coming out long before the movie hits we may suspect perhaps that they shall also launch a Flash line. Why these two lines? They are the ones whose major foes are not produced.

These are my thoughts what are yours?
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