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 The Remake Rebellion

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PostSubject: The Remake Rebellion   The Remake Rebellion Icon_minitimeMon Jun 07, 2010 4:22 pm

Welcome to my little corner of the Sector, aptly named: The Remake Rebellion.

One thing that defines who I am is that I am a movie junkie! My personal DVD collection is over 400 strong and growing.
I quote movies on a daily basis, generally semi-hourly lol. I did some work on a film set a few years back and I was known as the guy that could quote any movie, of course within reason.. I have to have seen the movie to quote it.
I have spent my life watching movies thanks to an epic VHS collection that my grandmother owned. Every week she would have 6 or 7 new movies and often times I had to be told to stop watching Star Wars and watch something new haha.
I have great memories of growing up and watching literally hundred upon hundreds of movies and memorizing lines from them.

Now I am 28 and have found that the harsh reality is that Hollywood seems to be out of ideas, well original ones anyways.
Many of the movies we grew up with and loved as kids are being bastardized with useless remakes. Hollywood is on a Rampant Remake Revolution and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

My goal in this section is to discuss and review some of our favorite movies of all time and determine whether or not a remake would make or break the franchise, if a sequel or prequel is feasible to the franchise, or if Hollywood should leave well enough alone.

I have strongly opposed many remakes and reboots over the years feeling that the validity of the former film or franchise is compromised with a lackluster attempt to make these studio's money.
Occasionally I will look forward to a remake or a cartoon to film adaptation and I will discuss it here.

My goal is to review at least one movie a week, time permitting, and give me POV. I welcome any movie suggestions you would like me to review and discuss. I will open a separate topic thread for peoples input on movie choices.

I'm looking forward to this and hope everyone else is as well!

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