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 Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner

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Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 1:18 am

I decided that since the odds seemed in favor of Blade Runner I would start with this cult classic film who apparently everyone, aside from Jimbo, loves.

Blade Runner takes place in 2019 and focuses around Rick Deckard, a police officer who is in fact a "Blade Runner" which is a special unit that hunts down and kills replicants as they are now illegal on earth.
Since many of you have seen the movie I will not be going into an in depth analysis of the plot and story arch as many of you have seen it already and for those who have not, well you WANT to see this film so I will not give away anything.
Interestingly enough there are actually 7 versions of the film that have been shown in various markets on various mediums.
Although the story and plot stay they same, there are a few notable differences in how the director, the editor and the studio executives interpreted the script and wanted certain story elements interpreted by the audiences. Although this done seem to to border on overkill some of the different versions were necessary ie. a European vs North American market. The Euro version had much more graphic scenes in the film than were allowed to be shown initially in the US, thankfully though these scenes have been included in the 25th Definitive Directors Cut version.

The movie takes place in 2019, only 9 years off from the present time and our world looks nothing like the retrofitted future from the Blade Runner film... but there in lies the intrigue of this film. Made over 28 years ago the effects, production design, backgrounds, props are exemplary! Shackled by the constraints of technology at the time Ridley Scott, who was no stranger to Sci-Fi turned Blade Runner into a visual masterpiece!
Now many people will argue that if Blade Runner was indeed remade today that the effects would be stunning and with our current technology the possibilities would be endless for what we could create for the "Blade Runner Universe". By current standards we would probably see it become a franchise and make billions... but how far is too far? A moment ago I mentioned that with today's technology the possibilities in graphics, CGI, FX and the like would be endless but does anyone else see a problem with that?
When you have no restrictions you have no structure.. instead of aiming for the moon you are aiming for infinity. You may think that aiming hire than what you can attain is a great attribute, and of course it is, but when you go too far the work will suffer. The amazing thing about Blade Runner was that they were limited in their resources and had to make SMART choices on sets, SFX, and over all design like matte paintings and miniatures, similarly to the OG Star Wars. When you aren't restricted and try to go too far you end up with the second Star Wars trilogy which looked more futuristic than the OG b/c it was all CG non-sense instead of people doing actual work to make/build sets, cast extras, build models, and create backgrounds.

Many people would love to see an updated Blade Runner film, but I am certainly not one of them.
I don't want to see Rick Deckard chasing after CGI replicants, only to wind up on a world that is a mix of Coruscant and the futuristic city in Minority Report (I'm not knocking Minority Report, just making a point). I love the grittiness of the world created in Blade Runner and if it were ever remade they would never be able to capture the essence of the original. The film has stood the trials of time and remains as one of the classic films of our generation.
It has been rated as the 20th best movie of all time out of 500 by Empire Features: http://www.empireonline.com/500/
Surely that alone should dictate it never ever being remade.

There has been talk of a prequel by Ridley Scott who may be doing this with his brother Tony.. to this I say GREAT!
If Tony Scott is involved in a prequel then he won't do what he usually does and do a remake of a great film... I dread his remake of the Warriors....*sigh*

In conclusion,
to a Blade Runner remake I say NO!
To remake a movie this amazing is to say that it was either not good enough or does not embody what a futuristic world could be perceived as. I think they hit all the right marks in the film, it's not a cheesy sci-fi flick you love to what for its badness and pray for it to someday see another go around the merry-go-round.. no this is a film that you watch and think.. WOW they did all that in 1982 that just blew me away!

If you have the time check out the different versions of this film, there are some subtleties that may surprise you, but I won't spill them here. If you have seen the film and don;t know what I am talking about then you can pm me and I'll tell you the subtle difference I am talking about.
You can read more about the film here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_runner

I hope you have enjoyed this first installment of the Remake Rebellion and I hope it is clear now my goal behind this section.

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Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 12:44 pm

feel free to discuss your thoughts and point of views on this movie and your opinions on whether or not it should be remade here.
Each movie will have its own thread in which discussions can be had.
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S12 Captain

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Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 12:46 pm

I'm just not a fan. I'd tend to think that other things would be more entertaining remakes.
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Heavy Weapons

Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 5:35 pm

One of my favorite movies of all time...And i would like to keep it that way scarface
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Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 10:05 pm

Well to each their own Jimbo, but I just don't know how you don't like it

Stoner wrote:
One of my favorite movies of all time...And i would like to keep it that way scarface

It still stands up to today's standards and there is no reason to remake or reboot it.
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S12 Captain

Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 10:23 pm

I have to agree. That movie is pretty much perfect as it is. Not everythig has to be remade. Technology may have advanced and they can do some awesome stuff with CGI, but I think that would spoil the "film noir" feel that the movie is intended to have. If it ain't broke, they shouldn't try to fix it!
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S12 News Staff

Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 10:28 pm

Blade Runner is a visual masterpiece no doubt and a definitive sci-fi classic. It isn't in my top 25 favorite films by any means but the quality of the film commands respect. Should never be remade.
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Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 3:56 pm

I think more people involved in the original films should stand up in protest when their films are slated for remakes. Not to say that Blade Runner is, but in the instance of The Goonies I have heard that Speilberg and Donner are pissed that there is talk of it being re-made... hopefully that is just a rumor.

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red laser
Monster Slayer
red laser

Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 4:38 pm

I tried reading Do androids dream of electric sheep? a few years back and found the Bladerunner film more enjoyable. But I heard a rumour about a more faithful adaptation being done of the book.
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New Recruit

Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 7:34 pm

I really loved this movie, and the book. Even so, i have to disagree with you on no remake. I don't believe that a remake some how lessens the original. If the original rocks, it stands on it's own merit. If the remake fails, it does so on it's own as well. I am not worried about a remake not "capturing the essence" of the original because i can/will always watch the original. What i am looking for is a new/fresh interpretation of the same story. I want to see someone else's vison of Deckards Journey, of Batty's plight. The question is, would the remake be helmed by people with a passion for the subject material. if so, i think a remake could be fantastic, the same great view but through a different lens.

Just my .02c
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S12 News Staff

Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 7:50 pm

i have to say leave blade runner alone.its a movie that will stand the test of time.on a side note how did we get a new member from the future(see angry.android join date).i'm just messing with you bro,welcome to the sector.
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S12 Captain

Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 8:05 pm

Angry.Android wrote:
I really loved this movie, and the book. Even so, i have to disagree with you on no remake. I don't believe that a remake some how lessens the original. If the original rocks, it stands on it's own merit. If the remake fails, it does so on it's own as well. I am not worried about a remake not "capturing the essence" of the original because i can/will always watch the original. What i am looking for is a new/fresh interpretation of the same story. I want to see someone else's vison of Deckards Journey, of Batty's plight. The question is, would the remake be helmed by people with a passion for the subject material. if so, i think a remake could be fantastic, the same great view but through a different lens.

Just my .02c

Welcome to the Sector!
Congrats on your first post!

While I do agree that remakes can be a good thing (personally I loved the remake of Clash of the Titans) the trend in Hollywood these days is to make blockbuster movies with lots of CGI but little to no plot and absolutely no substance. If I thought we could get a decent interpretation of Deckard's journey, that would be fine. But I see this going the way of every other Hollywood film. PG13 to reach out to a broader audience. Deckard does backflips and Matrix-style poses. The "film-noir" feel of the movie disappears.

Oh, and your .02c is always welcome!
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S12 Captain

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Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 8:26 pm

Heya AA...

Glad to see you over here!

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Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2010 10:06 am

Myself, I love the original Blade Runner. I dont think it needs to be redone at all. I think a reimagining of it could be done, but agree with blue that making it pg13 and drastically altering it would not sit well with BR fans.

There seems to be a real lack of creativity in Hollywood nowadays, and the remakes are getting out of hand. If it isn't broke, you do not have to fix it. It all depends on the writing and director. But more importantly, the studio. They always wanna add or take away things without really knowing what's going on. That's who get me pissed, the 'suits' (entourage reference!).

Back on topic, I say no to a blade runner remake.
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PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Blade Runner Icon_minitime

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