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 Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future

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PostSubject: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future Icon_minitimeMon Aug 09, 2010 9:46 am

Once again it's time for another spotlight... Back To The Future!
This is one of my favorite movie series of all time and I know my dad has always loved it as well.
I've always enjoyed watching it and luckily just watched it recently so it's fresh in my mind.

I think the allure and mystique of this film was the fact that they were able to essentially create a period piece and with regards to the 2nd and 3rd films a three pronged period piece, with each taking place in 3 different years and century's as it were.
In the first film the 80's were at their height.. the music, the architecture, the cars and the clothing.. it was unmistakably the 80's and going back and watching the film you know exactly where you are and you are easily able to immerse yourself in the setting.

Now, on to the time machine itself... what better vehicle to use than a DMC Delorian? I mean seriously they thing had future written ALL OVER IT! With the modifications made to the interior and exterior you are quite easily convinced that if someone were to make a time machine they would do it, as Doc Brown says "With Style!", and in my opinion they nailed it. Perhaps I am biased b/c I am an 80s kid through and through and I grew up with these movies and it's hard for my to fault what I grew up with as it is a part of my personal history as I'm sure many of you can relate.

Having not grown up in the 50s, or anywhere close to that era I can only comment on the look that the film employs to the decade and say that from what I know of the time and from how Spielberg depicted 1955 I have to say it was expertly executed and not being a historian of any kind, I can't find anything wrong with their depiction of 1955 and I think the film sets were amazing from the cars to the street lamps etc.

These films are held very dear by many people and a remake could be very destructive to the franchises legacy.
The constant mind set of "let's remake the film to bring it to a new generation" is ridiculous and appalling. These companies don't care about the audiences, instead they care about making a buck and lining their pockets. New generations of film watches can easily watch the originals on DVD and Blu Rays that their parents almost certainly will own. Trying to rationalize that the only way to expose potential film watchers to a franchise is by remaking it and putting it on the big screen is a joke. It's cheaper to buy a DVD or a Blu Ray than it is to take a family of 4 to a movie theater.

The sad reality is that the people that have an original idea will never be able to see their ideas bloom into a full fledged film with the way Hollywood is currently conducting business. Original ideas, small screen to big screen adaptations and cartoons to live action films, although seeing a moderate amount of production are taking a back seat to remake after remake after remake...
And possibly one of the worst things of all is that rumors are abound that BTTF will IN FACT be remade.
Here is an article from April of 2009: http://www.fusedfilm.com/2009/04/back-to-the-future-re-make-on-the-way/
Since it has been over a year with no substantial movement let's hope that this project has, itself, taken a back seat.

Although remakes can in theory be a good thing, ie. you are able to delve deeper into a characters background, you can change certain aspects of the setting and characters motives, they are not always necessary. It's getting to the point where you will look at someone's DVD collection and you will say "ummm you have two of the same movie here, here, here, here and here" and they won't be doubles, but just the remakes side by side... it's time to slow these damn remakes down!

thoughts, comments, opinions?
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PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future Icon_minitimeMon Aug 09, 2010 10:45 am

BTTF is fine on it's own. If they want to release a digitally remastered version of the first one that's fine. Under no circumstances should these movies be remade.
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Battle Ready

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PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future Icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 10:32 pm

I agree with Jim, do not remake this movie
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PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 12:23 am

Good to know people want this simply left alone.
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red laser
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PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 3:25 am

No way should this be remade as a single film or a trilogy. I own an Alfie boxed set with the original Michael Caine film and Jude Law's version the original is much better. I don't want to own any remakes (apart from Alfie obviously) if I want to watch the film I will get the original on dvd.
But back to BTTF there is no way they could surpass the original even the soundtrack wouldn't be good you only need to look at Karate Kid's soundtrack on the remake apart from RHCP's version of Higher Ground it's crap. Here is a clue Hollywood stop crapping on films we all know and love and write something original for once!!
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PostSubject: Re: Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future   Remake Rebellion Spotlight: Back To The Future Icon_minitime

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