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 Marvel Nemesis Wave

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PostSubject: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 2:57 am

2007.....Toybiz was handed the greatest blow to the company ever. The rights to the Marvel Superheroes were lost. Given into the hands of Hasbro. The First wave was of Emma Frost, Banshee, Planet Hulk, Hercules, Movie Beast, Ultimate Iron Man. The Build a Figure was terrible. It's arms fell off. It's legs couldn't stay straight. The wings didn't stay in it's back no matter how hard you tried. It was an epic failure. Following that Dismal display I never collected another series of this line picking up only the ones which caught my eye. The year is now 2010 and I have gained the whole line of the Walmart Exclusive Nemesis wave. Hows does this series live up to the others? Better yes but in this series grave problems are risen about what is Hasbro truly trying to do with this License. To be honest to do separate reviews is not needed. They were broken down into two groups and flaws for the characters all around. The common problem with this line was very tight joints. I had a hard time moving wrists, Elbows, Knees, etc etc and it took a few times before they got not loose but easier to move.

Ball Jointed Legs- Daredevil, Punisher, Nova. These figures have some problems of there own. I shall discuss this after I discuss the ball joints. I personally don't really like them on figures. they move they get in the way and I think it's a joint you really don't need if you are going to make it hinder the figure. Daredevil of the line suffers from weak plastic in the legs. They bend and like other figures released it's impossible to bend it back into shape regularly. Why Hasbro would release a figure made of cheap plastic and unable to bend the knees back so that he doesn't look odd standing up. I did however enjoy his top body and the nun chucks he came with and holder were great. They went in enough to keep them in but to make it appear like he could grab them at any time. Nova has a few problems. One is the star on his helmet is really over sized and makes him look odd. They could have cut the size down and it would be better. His legs are not placed odd in the packaging so they are not damaged. The real downsize is his arms are like gorillas. They go down pretty far and I'm not sure why but to me it just appears off. Punisher is the best figure of this quality type. His legs are really big almost enough to make you forget that they are ball joints. His hand fits his gun with ease. The fact that it doesn't have a stand made me said because you think it does. Also the pistol in his holster is impossible to get out with ease but still not bad.

T-bar legs?- Black Bolt, Tigra, Beast- This is what has me confused. In the past Hasbro has used ball jointed legs for most of the figures for Marvel. The Marvel Universe and Iron Man toys are no exception. When I opened these figures I was shocked that these figures were t-bar. Somewhat like a G I Joe with a slash in the thigh from movement of the legs. I notice this on Tigra. My problems with this figure are the same with any female figure. They feel weaker, to out of proportion with the comic book character they represent. She is a step up from Emma Frost who reaches the heat of the smallest DCUC Kid Flash. Oh looks like Kid Flash has a prom date! Anyways the only problem I had with the figure was her tail. It's not flexible so you can only spin it around for position. I also wasn't to crazy about the head sculpt it was beautiful but not striking me as a Tigra right off the back especially with her sexier image later. Beast was also a good surprise. This one was different from the Toybiz 1990's one of all blue. Focus on his Astonishing X-men appearance beast. The figure is solid. It was nice to hold in my hands and I didn't find anything I hated about the figure. I thought sweet. If all of the figures were made like him I would have searched a lot harder for them. Black Bolt is another strong figure to be appreciated. The leader of the Inhumans finally made into plastic new age form. I remember how quick his flaps broke on the old f4 toy. No problems here. The wings are clothe and they are attached by a elastic thing. It's very nice figure and truly my favorite. My only problem is his hands are posed in that way Spock does when he speaks. The V with two figures. No idea why they sculpted the hands like that. I would have enjoyed a fist.

Nemesis- The figure height is to the hair line of the Grey Hulk that Toybiz released. That should mean he is to the hair line of all Hulk Figures. This guy is truly head over heels better than the first attempt. The figure is a cross. The Arms and legs feel somewhat light but the chest/torso is very solid feeling. The cool part about the figure before you put it together is the Head opens up to reveal a skeleton frame that you can move it's head. The figure comes with ball jointed legs. The Arms can move fine but this causes a problem. The moving of the arms opens the head canister. I fixed this by lifting up the shoulder straps and trapping the chest item under them. When the arms move the shoulder pads keep it closed so it doesn't open. The arms are fixed as a projectile thing. No gimmick just looks like it shoots stuff and a fist. I don't know who Nemesis is but I did enjoy the BAF.


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Marvel Nemesis Wave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2010 12:54 am

Now with Pictures.
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Marvel Nemesis Wave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2010 8:52 am

Damn. It sounds like Hasblow needs to step their game up.
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Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
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Marvel Nemesis Wave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2010 10:58 am

This wave was impossible for me to find. I really wanted a Nemesis (Holocaust) BAF, though. Ever since the line has went to Hasbro, the quality has been noticably worse. I LOVED the ToyBiz ML figures. And there were some outstanding BAFs from them as well. Most of what Hasbro has offered up has been junk to me. A few good pieces here and there, but with the price increase and quality decrease, I can't justify spending the $$ on them.

Marvel Universe is their main focus anyways, so I doubt they give a rip about what any collector thinks. Not to mention, ML are impossible to find now, unless you buy them online. I haven't seen a new ML in a store in a year.
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S12 News Staff

Marvel Nemesis Wave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2010 11:44 am

hasbro made a big mistake making this a wal-mart exclusive.
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Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

Marvel Nemesis Wave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2010 11:47 am

Anything Wal Mart exclusive cannot be found. I hate it when I hear of something 'exclusive' to Wal Mart, because the 5 in a 30 mile radius around me don't stock exclusives. At all.

I know they didn't want to call the BAF Holocaust for pretty obvious reasons, but I just can't get used to calling it Nemesis.
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S12 News Staff

Marvel Nemesis Wave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2010 11:50 am

to be honest i'm not really a fan of the marvel legends line but when i heard there was gonna be an ares b.a.f. line and exclusive to wal-mart i totally bummed that i would not be able to find.
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Character Profile
Name:: Cinder
Class: Berserker
EXP:: 50,000

Marvel Nemesis Wave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2010 11:51 am

Yeah, I have exactly 4 pieces of Ares, lol. Poor guy.
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S12 News Staff

Marvel Nemesis Wave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2010 8:21 pm

Rob0213 wrote:
Yeah, I have exactly 4 pieces of Ares, lol. Poor guy.

now if you had a sentry figure you can do a seige issue 2 dio.that would look sick.
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S12 News Staff

Marvel Nemesis Wave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitimeSun Jul 04, 2010 3:59 pm

Hasbro is clearly tring to find something it can use. None of the figures are done the same way. All the ball joints are done in different ways. Daredevil's chest is solid. Nova's chest is super articulated. Punisher's ball joints are bigger than everyones. Black bolt has his hands frozen but to me represents the best that this wave has to offer I only wish they had a swivel waist. The Holocaust/Nemsis figure is fragile and I already broke the opening joint for his helmet. Live and learn. As for the rarity of the figures. I got the entire wave including the two variants of the Punishers, Green Camo, and Daredevil(regular red) For a whooping 45 dollars. 10 for Tigra, 5 for the rest of them and all at Walmart. They went on sale quick after Christmas the only thing that hit the clearence isles. Full price Joes and they haven't sold a single Vehicle this whole year. It is the DCUC Exclusive waves that I never get to see.
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PostSubject: Re: Marvel Nemesis Wave   Marvel Nemesis Wave Icon_minitime

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