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 Mattel DCUC Wave 11

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Mattel DCUC Wave 11 Empty
PostSubject: Mattel DCUC Wave 11   Mattel DCUC Wave 11 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 1:31 am

Mattel Wave 11 is nothing new. It has been out for sometime. However for the most part it is a Green Lantern Fan's dream to finally get some bad guys for Green Lantern outside of Sinestro. The build a Figure of this line was Kilowag. All figures are made using the same type of articulation so there is no real thrills to be head.

Katum Tui- all of the people not brought back this is the one that angers me the most. She's been brought back once to die thanks to Hal taken over the power battery. She was brought back as a Black Lantern but defeated. I mean it was clear in the 150's of the Ron Marz series of Green Lantern that John and Fatality would be together! I'm getting off the subject. Katum's frame appears lighter and weaker than Big Barda's scale but seems to take more after Harley's scale. The sculpt of the head is excellence and brought me right back to the 1980's comic books I remember reading. She comes with a sword and a shield that gets connected by pressing it to the hand. Overall I was very happy with this figure.

Shark- My disappoint with the Shark is that they went with the classic look. I thought the Green Lantern issue 5 produce a new Green Lantern bad guy. The figure includes a decent head sculpt. The last time I saw classic Shark he's face didn't seem to be Shark at all. The uniform is painted with the classic look. The fin is out of the back. It's not a very exciting figure to be honest. It's an outdated character form.

Deadman- Deadman was not a favorite character. When I saw this figure I was bought off. Deadman's body construction seems to be long. The collar of Deadman is flared up. His mouth is open with anger. The fingers seem to be long. I have no problem believing that Deadman was an acrobat. The overall creepy factor of this figure was amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Cyborg Superman- This figure seems to be a simple repaint of the Cyborg Superman that was released back in the day. Added with the sinestro corps colors. The only added thing I saw was yellow rings for his entry into the Sinestro corps.

The Question-The question was the toyfare pick. I don't like the Question. The sculpt is alright but I'll rather pictures tell the story as I don't care about this character.

John Stewart- John has become a cartoon that can't escape the JLA series of cartoon network. I don't think adding the Marines to his resume in 05 when the character was made in 85. I hate when they do that and John was a fine character. His uniform is the modern John Stewart from the comics. It's a simple paint and head sculpt again is wonderful for the character. He comes with a gun that I personally use and a fist. The fist I quickly counted as not a John Weapon and to my delight fits on wave three Hal Jordan.

Steppenwolf- I purchased the Red steppenwolf because the Green one just seems off to me. I wasn't a fan of it so I didn't want to spend 15 dollars on it. The Red one shows a an evil glare. He comes with a back pack that's built into his back with glue I think. The backpack is connected by a chord to his axe. It's a good figure and the first of darkseid's followers I picked up by choice.

Build A Figure-KILOWAG- I have completed two waves of DCUC. The Kalibak wave which was by accident. I liked the wave but not the BAF. However as a present I was brought home killer moth so the whole line was collected I also completed the Atom Smasher wave and was upset that his legs couldn't stay. It took me from Atom Smasher to now to be able to complete a whole figure again. Kilowag has always been my favorite since I was a kid. The DCUC gives a true fitting tribute to the big Poozer trainer. He dwarfs his DC direct figure and spots an excellent head sculpt. His articulation is great and he is an awesome figure.

((Camera is missing sorry. Found Camera pictures up soon. Woohoo glad to be back))

Last edited by The_Prince on Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mattel DCUC Wave 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mattel DCUC Wave 11   Mattel DCUC Wave 11 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 11:59 am

Thanks for the update Prince. I might be picking up that Kilowog!
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