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 What's your favorite DCUC

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PostSubject: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 2:57 am

What's your favorite DC Action figure that Mattel has released. It can be from the DC Universe Classic Line or the DC Superhero Classic line I don't judge. I want to know what you think. I'll go first.

Build a Figure- Kilowag has been my favorite figure release from the wave. The Poozer beating Green Lantern was a favorite when I got into comics when I was in first grade. That much have been when I was 96. I was into Back Issues from 96-2003. I never had a new comic book until 2003 and that's when Green Lantern suddenly came back with Kilowag being more of a monster than I remembered. I got the DC Direct Kilowag which was thick at the time though his uniform wasn't like his original it was like they painted John Stewart on him. This release gave me a Kilowag Figure bigger, Taller and angrier looking than I thought possible he is a very solid figure and I love him.

Single Pack Figure- I often hate when the DCUC line came with accessories. However I am a huge fan of the Vigilante. I got a few of the old issues of the comic book character and was blown away by the depths of realism the original had(at least until I obtained some origin issues) The fact that he was made filled me with a hope not felt. A bright endless future upon which the Marvel Legends would no longer stand without equal. Vigilante represents not only the hope but the first figure that I opened and took my breath away. He is still present in the background but as I like to set them up via team membership he is always in the background.

Worse Figure- Zatanna- The sculpt is perfect but her legs seemed to be bow legged. Yes you can't straighten her legs or it looks like she didn't get the right food she needed. Worse is her ankle is rolled via the package before you even get a chance to set her up. Why would they destroy what was perhaps the most exciting figure for people in the wave by packaging her in a way that damaged the figure? I loved the JSA figures of wave 14 and the Metal men but seeing this mess up caused me to cry a little.
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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeFri Dec 31, 2010 8:55 pm

I love the line. Personally I think it is the best overall toyline out there right now. The only problme I have with it is the price tag. I just can't see paying $15 for one figure, especially if I can't find all the figures. Hell, there were several times where I couldn't find an entire wave.

I think the one thing that I admired the most about the line was the homage that it has payed to the classic Super Powers line. When I first saw the line, it just had that feel to it but as the line progressed and I started seeing certain character designs and figures that I never thought I would see again, I just kept falling in love with it.

Now if only they would drop the price tag or start showing the same kind of love for the 3 3/4 line, I would be more than happy to start getting them again.
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S12 News Staff

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 7:16 am

Walmart at this time has a sale for them. $11 dollars for some All Stars, Wave 13 and 14. 25 for two packs which include the Superman/parasite, Hawkgirl and Gentleman Ghost if you have them in stock, Batman/Robin, and Aquaman/Black Manta as well as the Green Lantern 5 pack for $30 now. I bought DC direct when it was $15. John Stewart I got from DCUC is better than the DCUC so I can justify spending 15 on a figure which looks like the character and can be played with like when I got the superpower penguin and Wonder woman. Sadly don't have the penguin yet though Wonder woman has been set up doing some wrestling moves to Cheetah. I'm just hoping to get Toyman soon than to focus on building a Legion of Doom. Have you ever collected the line.

I can understand the feel of not having the entire wave but the good news if you don't give up someone else well lol. I have a solomon grundy piece which should arrive soon so my completed waves are as follows. 3 Solomon Grundy(paid a lot for Nightwing) , 6 Kalibak, 7 Atom Smasher (Used Toyrocket to get booster gold), 11 Kilowag, Walmart and Toys R Us though Toys R US had them all I came at the right moment. 13 Completed simply because I wanted to see how tall he would be and not understand how awesome he would become, 14 another lucky shot in the dark.

The waves I have parts of are 2 Gorilla's head/Chest, 4, BB Arm piece, 8 I have Giganta's legs and chest, 9 I have Chemo's Torso yet I'm only missing Wildcat and Black Adam I bought the others loose for cheap. 12 because I traded Dr. Midnite's piece I need another arm and Iron's leg piece for darkseid, 15 I have Validus Head/Torso/Waist. Public Enemies All the bad guy pieces.

I'm however not a completest when the build a figure isn't something I consider must have. I keep them in a box with a small thought that perhaps some day I'll run into someone looking for a piece I may have and they too may also have something I want.
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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 4:55 pm

I actually loved the whole build a figure concept. It is a great way to get some characters you never thought would be released. I was impressed with the first wave when they gave you Metamorpho but then they started focusing on all the larger characters in later waves.

I was collecting the figures and actually had completed the first 4 waves. Then the Walmart exclusive wave came out and I could never find all the figures. After that it got to the point that they were pumping out tthe waves too quickly and I couldn't find them. Eventually I just stopped trying and said I would get them when I did. It was around that time I started getting into collecting the GI Joes and later on, the Marvel Universe figures. I quickly came to the conclusion that I would rather spend $7-$8 bucks on a figure than the $15. Plus I think the possibilities are endless with those, especially for me since I also do custom figures.

Granted, the DCUC are the best figures out there right now and I contribute that to the work fo the 4 Horsemen. I loved ther work on the 200x MOTU line and have been a fan ever since.
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S12 News Staff

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 11:54 am

I love GI Joe. If they did increase to the amount that the marvel universe did I would follow without a thought. Marvel Universe on the other hand I have stopped collecting since I was lucky enough to find archangel. I've seen all of the other figures but only pulled the trigger on War Hulk.

DCUC I didn't get my first wave completed until series six. I got a chance to have two but didn't have the funds for it. Wave Three I never found a Nightwing and just purchased him from another. Seven I needed up online. Than 8,9,10 those were all ghost waves for me. I got a lot of the chemo wave because Target got a shipment of them in this year. I also bought figures loose at a local comic shop.

My desire is that I'm not into Star Wars, Marvel Universe, Or the 3 inch Crisis Infinite heroes; I'm into six inch figures. Marvel Legends was my gateway drug and when I began to get into the line I was in 7th grade so that was 2001 7.44 that is how much I paid for the series one Iron Man and Captain America. The DCUC is the answer to my hopes and prayers. Now my Hulk can fight Superman, My wolverine can get beaten and tied up by Batman.

Though I also learned that not all stores get complete waves. K-mart, Walmart gets complete waves. Target does here and there. I saw the Desepero wave and the Chemo Wave there complete last year. Toys R Us generally doesn't. I've opened the packs to find the Darkseid mixed with The new Martian Manhunter wave. It's insane.
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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 12:58 pm

Marvel Legends is what got me hooked back in the day too, though I have been collecting since I was a kid during the 80's so I have collectedd various scales. From the 3 3/4 figures that include GI Joe, Star Wars, Marvel Universe and Captain Power to the 5 inch DC and marvel figures of the 90's to the 6 inch DCUC and Marvel Legends.

Besides the price range and the lack of room, another main reason that I stopped collecting the 6 inch stuff was due to the lack of potential. Granted there are several diffrent figures they can still do, that is all they do. I remember when a toyline used to include vehicles and playsets for all types of scale figures. However, these days, the larger the scale, the more expensive those things become. I remember back during the 80's when GI Joe figures were about $1 or $2 and you could get a vehicle for under $20. Granted it isn't that way now but I would rather pay the $40 for a jet that I could convert to a Blackbird or Quin Jet for my Marvel Universe figures than an insane amount for an actual one for the 6 inch stuff. As cool as a batmobile in the DCUC wave would be, it would probably run between $50-$75. That is ridiculous.
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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 1:55 pm

However, to get back to what this post is really about. I will only judge on what I had simply cause that is what I had and haven't had the other figure

Favorite figure: It became a 3 way tie between Ares/Deathstroke/Firestorm. All 3 were great interpretations of the characters. The detail on Ares and Deathstroke were just amazing and Firestorm has always been a personal favorite since the days of Super Powers. While I didn't have the modern version, I did have the classic one and I just was amazed at how well they captured the look and esscence of the character.

Favorite Build a Figure: Metamorpho. I know that this isn't that impressive due to what has come out but the reason it is a favorite is because they gave you what could of easily been a regular 6 inch figure as teh BAF. Marvel Legends always had to do a larger scale figure and DCUC has done the same thing since, which is fine but the fact they did Metamorpho that same way opened up some unique possibilities for the line. You didn't have to have to get a 8 or 9 inch BAF pieces, especially extra ones for all you customizers out there. Instead you could do a BAF in 6 inch scale, and buy multiples of those waves and be able to use those pieces as well.

Worst Figure: Sinestro. I just couldn't get past the body sculpt of the figure. It was just really small in my opinion. While they have used the same type body in various sizes with the figures, I just don't know why they went with the body that was just a tad bit bigger than the Robin figure. Maybe Sinestro is lankier than most but I always saw him just a tad bit thinner than Hal Jordon so it wouldn't have been to out of place using the same body as GL for Sinestro. Now I do think the figure was well executed, I just wasn't a fan of the body choice.
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S12 News Staff

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 4:56 pm

Oh no were doing worse. Sinestro is bad. Terrible in another word. The Thaal Sinestro and Five pack one is great but the wave 3 one is just bad. I had the Sinestro Corps version of him. Worse figure however I go with Big Barda. For a woman who should be the equal of Wonder Woman she is just not hitting those marks. She's vastly smaller than she should be and her limbs are shorter. I saw the Superman/Batman movie and she was awesome in that. I want one of her from there!
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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 1:45 pm

Yeah that is one of the flaws in the line. Granted it is smart to use some generic body types but sometimes it just doesn't work.
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S12 News Staff

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 9:31 pm

Sinestro was just a way to keep prices low. Though I now have a Thaal/pre2007 Sinestro and a Emerald Dawn Two one from the five pack. He was a left over part and he was decent. Big Barda was a greater disappointment. She's not a reused body. Her design was used only to make Big Barda. When the four horsemen set there minds to it the figures are usually great. Robin, Green Lantern, Deathstroke, Batman, Hawkman all of them was great as figures. I mean Wonder Woman's body being used with Barda Textiles and designs would have been great. Instead my Big Barda is vastly smaller to Mr. Miracle. Her limbs are unique but strike me as a dwarf. I want to see her redone in the way like Sinestro was make her taller add some muscles so I have a good Big Barda to Mr. Miracle.....
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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeFri Jan 07, 2011 12:16 am

Huh, didn't know that about Barda. However if there is one thing I have learned in all my years buying toys, it is that you can never really tell how good or bad a figure is until you get it out of the package and in your hands.
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Heavy Weapons

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeSat Jan 08, 2011 12:49 pm

I`m currently diggin my Alan Scott!!
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S12 News Staff

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 3:07 am

I'm digging Alan Scott too. When they release a Jay Garrick that is when I'll finally go on ebay and get a Wildcat because the elite three guys would be present. His scowl is really good and I feel that it takes parts of all of his comic appearances and puts them together for us to enjoy.

Yes. I often think the MU guys looked awesome in Package but once I took them out and saw the limits which they held I was disappointed. I have swore not to open another MU guy ever after the Archangel wave. I have only bought one since than so it's not proving to be to hard.
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New Recruit

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 5:02 am

The MU isn't that limited in my opinion. They are just as articulated as the GI Joes, only diffrence is the construction of the figures are a bit diffrent. I think they are very well articulated for the size they are in. Granted we have seen better articulation done in that size, example being the 3 3/4 WWE and UFC figures by Jakks which are just as articulated as their 7-8 inch counterparts. but I ain't going to complain.

However, I will complain about the DC 3 3/4 figures. Those things are horrible. Yeah they have gotten more articulated but they could be so much more. As I said earlier about the Jakks figures, it is not impossible for there to be just as much articulation in the smaller scale as there is in the larger one. It shouldn't be that difficult to do the DCUC figures in the 3 3/4 scale. If that was the case, I would be all over that line.
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S12 News Staff

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PostSubject: Re: What's your favorite DCUC   What's your favorite DCUC Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 5:27 am

I don't quite get the 3 in ones that Mattel has released. I saw the Avatar figures that they released and what they pretty much did was use the same formula of the DCUC just small and with no arm muscle to be shown. I am curious why they couldn't just shrink the 6 inch molds that they have for figures. They already showed the ability of increasing the molds to make a 12 inch flash. Why not just shrink it down to 3 3/4 inch. Than they could release all the figures they already made perhaps even do a 3 3/4 build a figure for us to enjoy.
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