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PostSubject: DCUC BANE wave   DCUC BANE  wave Icon_minitimeTue Jul 05, 2011 10:10 am

The last wave of DCUC which I wish to complete is the Bane wave. Though I may buy a complete Anti Monitor, Bronze Tiger, Toyman, and Captain Boomerang. I am not a colored lantern fan, and I don't much care for the superpower collections as it seems the majority of people don't with how bad Cyclotron takes up space at your local store. I happened to stumbled upon the whole collection when I was at Target and opted to buy it all right then and there.

Jonah Hex- This figure gets the lowest marks for it has been the second figure to break on me. Where as Catwoman's arms couldn't take the pressure of freeing her from the packaging of the Gotham city five box. Jonah's head couldn't take a simple tap.That's right I was just trying to examine the head and his neck snapped off without any real force. Aside from that the head sculpt is alright. I'm not a Jonah fan just prefer figures not to break well still in package! His hair is brighter than it should be. He doesn't have a chest Articulation though other people with jackets do so I am not sure why he couldn't have gotten one. I can still bend my chest in a jacket so yeah. He sports a Pistol and a Shotgun which this time he can actually hold.

Robin- I have no idea which head I got and to be frank. I don't care. I think of Batman as I do Spiderman. Awesome bad guys but I like the character as much as getting a sock full of quarters to my head. Robin comes in all of his Casey kasem voiced glory. If this Robin is and was your go to Robin than you are going want to pick this guy up. He's a standard body save for his arms don't seem as bulky or small as other teenage heroes do. Only problem I have are the elf shows and the lack of articulation present though you are lead to believe that it is easy to do. I am far to afraid to force his feet. where as I can survive without a Jonah Hex present. A Superfriends style Robin is deeply wanted.

The Creeper- Jeepers it's the Creeper! Sorry thinking about Casey doing Robin for the Superfriends made me think of his time as Shaggy. The Creeper sculpt should make anyone whose a fan of the guy very happy. His face expression is that of a purely made man to me he looks even crazier than the Jokers they have released. His hands are articulated. His wrist can move up and down. The single problem I have is the sculpted mane of red....I was never sure what it was but it makes him very top heavy and produces little ways to pose him.

Riddler- Well if you already have the reform Riddler one which was unleashed on wave 5 good for you. IF you are like me and wanted a Superfriend Riddler this one won't disappoint. Right off the back the only bad point I am going to throw out there is the color. I don't remember Riddler having this bright of a green. Aside from that he is perfect in his question mark spandex glory. Articulation is the same and he comes with open fists to keep his Question mark staff.

Mercury- Mercury is the Third Metal Man bought. He is however the first Metal Man not to come with an add on. His Scissors are not something you place on him but rather like Sodom Yat you take his hand out and place those in there place. He is a tall lengthy body with the typical Metal man over piece along with the symbol that represents them. A new Face which is spot on with the metal character. I need to ask the heroes is Mercury is a good guy or a villain for slowly poisoning them all with his presence.

Azrael Batman- I never read the Nightfall comics. I never knew much about this Batman. All I knew about this character is that he was scary in the trading cards of Batman. In toy form at least int his particular form he is not at all scary. The paint is metallic blue and the head sculpt seems eh at best. This is not what I thought his figure would look like. However I have little problem with it other than that of the creeper. His back makes him top heavy and they both like to fall backwards.

Bane- To sum up my expression about how I feel about this Character. Disappointed. I remember how big the other figure was and was thinking that Bane would follow that path. Instead it's little more than an actually extra figure being included. There was no need to include this as anything but a packaged figure and he hardly stands above any of the single pack figures that are not base on Teenagers. Of course he does look cool when standing next to the host of Batman bad guys I have. If they make Poison Ivy I just may be forever set with Batman bad guys.
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