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 Hammer Wave Two

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Hammer Wave Two Empty
PostSubject: Hammer Wave Two   Hammer Wave Two Icon_minitimeTue Aug 03, 2010 9:33 pm

What is this? A Juggernaut found at Target it must be August. The Figure sports a great head sculpt. Though the helmet is actually glued to the head and can't be removed but he has an added head sculpt underneath. I think that's awesome that they give him a chin, eyes, nose. He's a big figure standing not only taller but bigger than the rest of them. I think he is great and I can't wait for bigger bad guys. I'm not quite sold on the fixed fists but he's the Juggernaut he doesn't have to hold anything A+

Shadow Cat
When I saw here I had only one thing to say. MY GOD WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU! This is by far one of the ugliest figures I have ever seen. Her nose/eyes makes what's suppose to be a pretty character into the ugliest thing ever. I am not very sold on the recent additions of the females. Black Widow, Kitty both have been let downs but where as I could like with the Black Widow, Kitty is the ugliest thing....as you can see I really can't get over the ugliness of her. What I notice is I think Jean Grey, Spiderwoman, Black Widow, and Kitty are all the same height.

Aim Soldier
It's the AIM Soldier run! alright so I'm not very keen on what the AIM soldier is. I guess they are smart soldiers or what not. Anyways the figure isn't bad at all and they look really good in package. Out of package the legs took some adjustment before they didn't look bad. I'm on the fence about keeping them with weapons packed with them or take some GI Joes and put them in the hands It's something I'm still debating.

I'm not a big Havok fan. You may think this may lead me to do something like the Question review but no. Havok is a must own toy from the Marvel universe line. He was one of the only figures from Marvel Universe that I looked at and said....You can work with my Joes. He isn't as thick as Joes but he's not a soldier. He's taller than Snow job and he feels right quite capable of fitting in with them. He comes with something like an Iron Man repulsor blast.

Archangel sports about the same body scuplt of Havok. I'm alright with that. His headsculpt makes him a little smaller than Havok. His body is solid built. The wings have two pegs in the back that they fit into. The wings on his back have extra length so you can fold them back straight or crooked depending on your desire. I think it's cool that the wings can wrap around him. I'm happy with him and don't care about finding his DEATH variant. This is also a must have.

Sadly I was unable to get Colossus. In short outside of Ugly Kitty this Wave is Great get them if you can. Pictures to come shortly.
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S12 News Staff

Hammer Wave Two Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hammer Wave Two   Hammer Wave Two Icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 3:23 pm

picked up a few colossus figs last night.i believe its a single card of the one that came with wolverine last year as a two pack for the movie line.if you need one just let me or z know.also picked up the havok varient and two juggernauts(damn good figure).
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Weapons Specialist

Hammer Wave Two Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hammer Wave Two   Hammer Wave Two Icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 5:12 pm

Juggernaut, Colossus and Archangel are all must haves IMO!
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S12 News Staff

Hammer Wave Two Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hammer Wave Two   Hammer Wave Two Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 12:43 am

Thanks Delta but I am good. I have not found him yet but I might. Even if I don't I'm bound to get that X-men six pack so one way or another I'll have him. It's the same logic I used for City Strike Snake Eyes before finally finding one, just before the $5 dollar sale ended for them lol.
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Hammer Wave Two Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hammer Wave Two   Hammer Wave Two Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 1:23 am

Found Juggy and Aim. Still want to get my hands on an ArchAngel or two or ten maybe. Hammer Wave Two 864663
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S12 News Staff

Hammer Wave Two Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hammer Wave Two   Hammer Wave Two Icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 8:11 pm

I don't blame you. Outside of AIM and Kitty I want doubles to keep mint. May pick up some Thors too. They are just very good figures.
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Hammer Wave Two Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hammer Wave Two   Hammer Wave Two Icon_minitime

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